A journey of the inner self!
The best way I could explain the session with coach SJ is that it was a journey of the inner self. My initial wasn't to resolve anything but to understand myself, but our sessions helped me do both. The thing I learnt, I now apply in my everyday life, and I'm really grateful for that. I would definitely recommend a session with the coach for a number of reasons, not only physio-psychological but also 'spiritual'.
Amini, Videographer from Tanzania
I’m so blessed and thankful to have gone through this session!
It was an amazing session as I get to go through my past and the significant one of all was the one I have always remembered all my life. I never knew we could actually go back in that manner and change the way we see things in a positive way.
I’m so blessed and thankful to have gone through this session as it helped a lot with my decision making and made me clear with what I really want and stop thinking of what others want out of me or from me.Afiqah, A client from Singapore
I felt that the weight on my shoulder has been lifted off!
I had sciatica pain that radiated from my lower back and down to the right calf. I was in excruciating pain. I've tried chiro & acupuncture and slowly developed anxiety attacks. I was introduced to this therapy by a friend.The therapist himself. I thought I was going to have a ruqyah session.
A little bit of info regarding therapy from my point of view.
It's a therapeutic approach that focuses on awareness, expression & acceptance. By being given the skills to self-regulate your own emotions by noticing & naming what you feel, you create a space for yourself to positivity by tapping & expressing.Azua Anuar, A client from Singapore
I was sceptical...!
At first, I was skeptical (sic) about this therapy but I gave it a shot to help myself get over this pain on my lower back. After the first session, my lower back pain has reduced significantly under the patient (sic) guidance of Mr Sulaiman.
Hisham, A client from Singapore
Magical minutes...!
MashaAllah. The EFT treatment bro SJ went through with me for mere magical minutes truly worked! I was having constant pain on my left ankle for two months. It could be due to recent straining which triggered the sprain accident a decade ago. A week later(today); i realised that the pain is completely gone! Alhamdulillah!
Suhailah Kheir, Singapore
I would Definitely Recommend...!
Mr Jawa has been very accommodating and truly able to go deep into addressing my problems. I had a great session with him and I would definitely recommend his service to anyone. Thank you Mr Jawa!
Fasya Fitri, Singapore
I have never felt so heard and understood...!
SJ was spot on with everything. It felt like he was in my head, I have never felt so heard and understood. He kept me on track, helped me face my fears by committing to a plan which I know will move me towards my goal.
Laura Ross, Australia
A MASSIVE transformation.!
Today, right now. Actually, right now has been the very first time in a long time that I have not cried, felt upset or even just teared up a little bit. I have not had ANY negative emotions when reading about the heart (cardiology), not even when I read a case about what my mum had which was Dilated cardiomyopathy.
I actually feel at peace within myself and with the circumstances surrounding her passing. I have this deeper peace and understanding, knowing that there was literally nothing else I could have done to help her. Unless of course, I found her a new heart, in which case the surgeons would have probably declined because she was already at high risk. I did my best to give her a peaceful passing and she will always be my queen.
Realizing that I am now - FINALLY - at peace with all these is huge... a MASSIVE transformation. So I just wanted to say thank you SJ. This is the first time I can actually study these topics, and process them really quickly and without any delays.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.Amelí Anton, A Doctor, ADHD Coach, Career and Direction Coach, New Zealand
The piece that completed the healing...!
Brother Suleyman (SJ) has helped me in my healing process to deal with the past trauma of having had an apathetic, indifferent, self-consuming and all-consuming abusive mother and absent father who was not without serious flaws either. The lack or absence of proper upbringing, to say the least, nurturance and love has resulted in a series of more traumatizing social experiences, all of which have produced scars and wounds which have never healed throughout the years.
When people say that “time heals everything”, that has not been the case for me. On the contrary, these wounds fester and I was fixated on past events. I see and hear things through the “filter of my wounds” (quote by an unknown writer) and I often misread people’s kindness and good intentions, projecting my own darkness unto their words and actions.
Everyone meets nasty people but for me, without the proper life skills or support and loving-kindness by my parents, I have not been able to handle humiliation in all its forms. I carry those episodes and my own too many abused episodes to heart, storing them deep within so much so that they rot in my inner being, pouring toxins into my flesh and blood to be replayed over and over again, fuelling my anger and rage.
The overall result is low self-worth and low self-esteem which somehow evolves (or devolves) into a vicious cycle of self-loathing. I am 49 years old this year.
By the all-encompassing Mercy and Compassion of Allah swt, He has, in His infinite Wisdom, brought brother Suleyman (SJ) to this part of the world as an extension of His Rahmah (mercy). Brother Suleyman brought me to the past timelines to untangle the knots of past traumas.
There have been many sent by all-Merciful, the all- Compassionate and each has left a lasting positive impact to this wounded self. However, like a jigsaw puzzle whereby each has its own designated place, the one piece to help complete the healing is in the form of Brother Suleyman, Masha Allah!
Alhamdulillah, through him, HE swt has helped me find closure.Sarah, A survival from Difficult Childhood, Singapore
I truly benefitted from all the heart to heart session and consult.
I was going through a lot of stressors from family & work at some point and I wanted to improve myself as a person and my situation as a father. While searching for self-help and all those stuffs I chanced upon coach SJ & Furaha Mastery. I was uncertain but I wanted to breakthrough all that was dragging me down and start afresh.
Going through the hypnosis, made me a bit sceptical however it made me very emotional at some point and very happy at some point. It was as though I was replaying through all the pain & joys of life again. I was not feeling numb and lifeless. I cried due to the overwhelming emotions but it was a relief. I became more aware of my emotions and how to approach my difference emotions and feelings.
Thank you so much Coach SJ for the sessions and time. I truly benefitted from all the heart to heart session and consult. Start your healing journey with coach SJ.Zaki Abdul Aziz
It was out of the ordinary masyaAllah
I was already at the edge of the cliff when I decided to qive this therapy a try. I met SJ and was going with the flow. For a moment, I did feel that this was ridiculous when he made me go through this process called hypnosis. However, slowly into the process, my heart and mind could follow whatever SJ made me imagine and think of. I saw colours, shapes. Real colours, real shapes. It was out of the ordinary masyaAllah. The session lasted almost 4 hours. I desperately needed help - that's why I spilled everything I could. Afterwards I went home when SJ sent a list that of the things that I could do. It involved reading a book. Trust me when I say that I was never into reading. I tried countless times before but my cognitive skills were not so good that it was a struggle to comprehend what I was reading SJ made me read a book called the 12 Rules of Life. It is self-help book and wow masyaAllah, I pushed myself into reading it and I was intrigued. I started to look at things especially life in so many different perspectives and thought to myself that hey, life is not as bad as I think. Even after reading, I got to learn new vocabulary and phrases and even able to comprehend and process what I was reading that could help me in my studies. That week after meeting SJ was truly a whole transformation. I started to do things I never would have thought i'll do. like what you may ask? I became from being an introverted, reserved individual to an outgoing, understanding one. I get to express myself better too Alhamdulillah. All my worries, concerns and fears just months ago became the opposite of what I do until today. I used to be afraid of growing up, having more responsibilities, taking risks, seeking opportunities but now, it is the complete opposite. I have been putting myself out there now masyaAllah. Most importantly, the session also taught me to practise gratitude and as I did, I started to genuinely, sincerely be grateful to one and only Allah. I really felt the connection and love of Him. Alhamdulillah, truly, for how my life turned out. Thank you SJ for your help. Thank you to your wife for her help as well. I really can't thank you enough. May Allah bless you both and family insyaAllah.
sh1gul, Singapore